Monday of the second week in Ordinary Time.
Heb. 5:1-10
Mk. 2:18-22
God still calls people from out of simple families. Priests and religious are called from families that are very human. Families that struggle to make ends meet like any other human family. God calls from our struggling families. So that the Called can feel and understand the life situation of human beings. They are called to offer gifts and sacrifices to God on behalf of God's people. To be called is not to lord it over other people but rather to be of service to other people. Everyone called by God serves God's people just like Aaron did. And this we can find in the first reading of today.
The Lord still calls and he really needs many young people to go into his Vineyard. Never stop anyone from responding to the Lord's call. Always give encouragement to anyone who wants to embrace the Call of the Lord.
For those who have been chosen to be priests and religious, I will encourage all of us to constantly pray for them to gain the courage to endure this call that the Lord has granted on to them. Just as scripture says "you are a priest forever a priest like Melchizedek of old," may those young people who have embraced the call to priesthood remain priest forever. They can endure this call if we but constantly remember them in our prayers and commit them to the Lord's care.
In the gospel we hear about fasting. Jesus was questioned as to why his disciples do not fast and John's disciples were fasting and Jesus's answer to that question was "as long as he was there with his disciples, the disciples need not fast. Fasting is a strong form of prayer, it's a Prayer that opens up Heaven's Door. There are many people today who fast to request the lord for special blessings on their families, on their friends and also for their request. But today I would like to request all of you who receive this reflection to pray for your priests and also to fast for your priests. Encourage them with your prayers, strengthen them through your fasting and knock on Heaven's Door to support them to remain faithful to their calling.