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3rd May 2021

Sts. Philip and James Feast


1 Corinthians 15:1-8

Psalms 19:2-3, 4-5 (9R. 5a)

John 14:6-14

St. Paul affirms that the truth of the resurrection of Christ is unquestionable. He writes to Corinthians with certainty that indeed the risen Lord appeared to James and all the apostles. The resurrection is the climax of our Christian faith and the fountain of the hope of our salvation. Without it, it is almost impossible to imagine the possibility of the existence or the reality of the presence of Christianity. It is so much important such that Paul had to use strong language because that is what stands as a basis of his preaching. For us as Christians we have ought to witness to this mystery should have faith and a deep personal encounter with the person of Christ.

Our personal belief in this divine reality must also be rooted in our personal encounter with the risen Christ in the sacraments. Though them, we experience the mystery of Christ and proclaim the paschal event. It is in this personal encounter that for us Christ becomes the way, the truth and the life. Both readings today, invite us to this personal relationship with the Divine. The apostles had to offer their lives, even up to the point of death because the encountered the risen Christ and had not doubt, what so ever, that He was the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Therefore, our Christian faith must always have a personal dimension which creates room for a personal encounter with God. What is it that hinders us from having this personal encounter with the risen Christ? If we do not cultivate this personal relationship, how can we effectively give witness to truth of our Christian vocation? This Divine intimacy can, however, be strengthened by pious devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary, the saints and daily meditations on the Word of God.

Let us pray:

We thank Lord for the gift of this day. May I experience you and give witness to your great love.



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