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18th April 2022

Acts 2:14.22-33; Ps 16:1-2a and 5.7-8.9-10.11; Mt 28:8-15


Today’s Gospel describes how the two Marys who had been at the foot of the cross – Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary” (sister or cousin of Jesus’ mother) – went to the tomb of Jesus early on Sunday morning. They were shocked at seeing an open tomb without Jesus’ body in it. As they ran back with fear and joy to report the news to the apostles, the risen Jesus greeted them and told them to inform the apostles that he would meet them in Galilee. The guards, too, went to the chief priests to report the Resurrection of Jesus. But they were promptly silenced by the Temple authorities who bribed them to spread the false news that Jesus’ body had been stolen by his disciples.

The Resurrection of Christ is the most sublime and foundational truth of our Faith. It is the presence of the risen Lord everywhere that gives meaning to our worship and prayers, because Jesus is present everywhere to hear our prayers and grant our petitions.

The Risen Lord is present in the Holy Eucharist, in the Bible, in the praying assembly, and in believing Christians, so we need never be out of contact with him. 3) Let us renew this fundamental belief of our Faith every day and let us recognize and serve the risen Christ in everyone around us, thus becoming the Marys, “apostles to the apostles”.


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