28TH MARCH 2022
Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2 and 4.5-6.11-12a and 13b; Jo 4:43-54
Today, in this passage of the Gospel, another sign, a miracle, stands out. The miracle of life as the gift of God. The Gospel of Saint John, responding to the Apostle Thomas, affirms with all his authority: “I am Life” (Jn 14:6). I often wonder about the profound meaning of this statement. On another topic He seems to complete what is said there: “I came that they might have life, and have it to the full” (Jn 10:10). Another categorical affirmation of Jesus to Mary, sister of Lazarus, is this: “I am the Resurrection and the Life” (Jn 11:25). This is worth saying: “I am the beginning, the author also of the new life, after death”.
Whoever seeks life in Him always finds it. See the certainty with which he pronounces the beautiful words to the king's official: You may go, your son is alive. For men with great faith as the king's high official, new heavens and a new earth will exist. Because they actually recognize the Gospel as the Word of eternal salvation.
The fullness of life that Jesus came to bring us is not restricted to the closed horizons of the present life, as many humanists and utopians thought. Human life, above all, is a gift of God: it comes from God and takes place in the earthly and eternal possession of God. This was the life that God gave to our first parents and Jesus came to reconquer us through the Incarnation, through the mystery of his life, death and Resurrection. That is why St. Augustine so rightly says: “Our heart is restless until it rests in you”. Returning home, “he believed, with all his household”. People who have not seen or heard Jesus believe in Him. What teaching is taken from here? It is necessary to believe in Him without demanding miracles: it is not necessary to demand proofs of His power from God. Just believe in His words: Your child will live. Yours will be released from the situation in which they find themselves. Believe it.
It is Jesus who is speaking! He wants to heal all of our wounds and illnesses. He wants to free our people from all vices and sins. He wants to resurrect the members of our body and give them new life. In our day, how many people show greater love for God after their children or their wife have received relief from their illness?
Yesterday as today He continues to work miracles and wonders. Even if our vows are not answered, we must persevere in the actions of thanks and praise. Remain connected to God even in adversity, in abandonment, in pain, in sadness even if death comes knocking at your door.
Don't lose hope that yours will live, and live forever. To trust, and to wait with firm faith in God, is to choose life. So, choose, because life resting in the arms and lap of Jesus so that you have life and life in abundance.