Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish, Ridgeways
"...Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you..." Luke 1:28
About Us
Order of Masses
Daily Reflections
Announcements and Events
Small Christian Communities
Parish Groups
Celebration of Sacraments
Offering & Tithe
Contact Us
We believe in the sanctity of human life and the inherent dignity of the Human Person. At OLRCP everyone is precious.
Advocate for, and show respect to every human being in all activities and engagements
Denounce all forms of discrimination based on any divisive human aspect
Formation at all groups
Ensure all members belong to Small Christian Community (SCC) and/or other church groups
Make sure everyone feels at home and everyone feels at their best when at OLRP
New members to be welcomed for a cup of tea after mass.
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish.
Ridgeways, Kiambu Road.
+254 718 416 910
Nairobi, Kenya.
Thank you for subscribing! God Bless You!
©2020 by Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish, Ridgeways.