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Rv 7:2-4.9-24;

Ps 24:1-6;

1Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a

Today the Church is celebrating the solemnity of All Saints. This celebration comes out of the awareness and humility from the Church that there many holy souls within and outside the Church who lived a very committed and holy life and because of the limitation of the earthly church, not all are recognized as it is supposed to be, so the Church celebrates this feast to recognize the existence of so many saints whose deeds are well known by God and only Him will give them the due recompense they deserve.

We are all called to be holy. Holiness is a vocation given by God which all of us are invited to acquire because the One who made us is Holy and wants us to be holy in our life. Sometimes the understanding of holiness in the Church has been distorted by thinking that to be holy is not for everyone and it is too hard and we are never able to be one.

That misunderstanding about holiness has been leading many Christians to give up on pursuing holiness and to conform themselves to this world and its way of doing things. Whatever God calls us to do He gives us before the capability of doing or attaining it, so refusing the capability of being holy we attempt against the might of God.

Dear brothers and sisters, holiness is all about whatever we do in our daily life and how we carry out our responsibilities either familiar, professional, social, political, etc. This is what determines our level of sanctity. God does not judge us about things outside our daily life. Is a matter of learning to be good ad faithful to whatever God has given us: if God gave you a family, just take care and be faithful to your family (be faithful to your wife or our husband and your children); if

God has given you a profession, a job or any other social task, just make sure you are a faithful and good servant, without abusing by stealing, corrupting, fight for self-interest or even killing.

May God who called us for the sanctity of life give us strength to overcome the temptations of this world which prevent us to attain our goal and our vocation. Amen.


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