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22nd May 2021


Acts 28:16-20, 30-31

Ps. 10(11):4-5, 7

Gospel: Jn 21:20 - 25.

Today’s gospel scene features three main characters, Jesus, Peter, and the Beloved Disciple. In the preceding verses of Jn 21: 15- 19, Peter had just received an important role, “Feed my lambs and my sheep.” like Jesus Peter is entrusted with providing nourishment for Jesus’s followers and ultimately for guiding and leading them with the same self-sacrificial love that Jesus date. Having denied Jesus three times, Peter now three times confirms his commitment and is given another chance to live up to his convictions regarding himself as Jesus is chief followers.

Something is strange in today’s Gospel, Instead of asking what this new responsibility might mean, Peter, asks about the future of the Beloved Disciple, “What about him, Lord?” Jesus seems to say, “I have other plans for him. You just follow me, doing the work I have given you.” In 21:24 the purpose and the mission of the disciple as that of a witness to the life and ministry of Jesus is defined.

Peter and the Beloved Disciple had different roles and fates. Peter’s great ministry ended with his martyrdom in Rome, during the first persecution under Emperor Nero. The Beloved Disciple stayed in the East and seems to have died an old man, whether in Ephesus or on the island of Patmos.

Dear Christians, The Lord has different roles and fates for each of us, something that no one else can do. Rather than wondering, like Peter, what God wants from other people, we need to discern what task is given to us, personally. If I am called to family life, am I feeding “my sheep?” As a Christian, am I witnessing Christ in my life? Fulfilling the tasks in our different statuses of life is what matters. Comparison with others is just a distraction; we can only be ourselves.

The Lord has a unique role for each one of us. The Holy Spirit whom Christ promised and sent to his disciples will always guide us in the fulfillment of our tasks. Let us pray that we may be faithful to our God-given roles.


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