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Do Not Be Afraid! Have Faith In Jesus.

Christmas Weekday

1 Jn 4:11-18.

Ps. 72:1-2. 10-11. 12-13

Mk 6:45-52.

Dear Christians, we are still celebrating the manifestation of the perfect love and compassion of Christ. In the past three days we have seen Christ manifesting his love to all those in desperate

situations. He healed, fed the hungry and today he is rescuing the disciples from raging waves of the sea. He does this out of pure love for his people.

From our today’s 1st reading, God manifested his love to us through Christ and are now called to imitate Him as the model of love. Without the love of God and neighbour, we cannot have trust

in Christ even in moments of adversities. The Gospel passage depicts Jesus as the true model of perfect love by coming to the aid of those in distress. He comes to His disciples when they were all in a boat and in the middle of the stormy Lake of Galilee. The disciples are filled with fear and are afraid the boat might sink. Jesus who had come from prayer, approaches them in the midst of this context. His approach is another disaster to the disciples for they think He was a ghost. The Lord Jesus calmed them, reassured them that it was indeed Him, and not a ghost. He reminded all of them that they need to have faith in Him, no matter how difficult, dangerous or terrible the situation might be for them.

Dear Christians, this episode is not very far from our own life experiences. Many times our resolutions to live in the power of Jesus are interrupted by the troubles of this world. We find ourselves clinging and trusting our human powers to rescue ourselves from the troubles. We lose faith in Jesus and trust ourselves and other powers. At last we come to realize that these powers can’t help us and the only way is to turn back to Christ. The good news from the gospel is that, Christ is our aid and is always there to help us when we cry to him. We should not retreat and condemn ourselves when we are in up and downs but we should cry out for help to Jesus the most loving and compassionate. He will be there to hold our hand and lift us up when our faith weakens. Unless we trust in Him and place our faith in Him, we will end up like the disciples who were worried over their lives and were full of fear and ready to even abandon

the boat, thus risking their lives even more.

Again, when we are frightened, we end up making rash and improper decisions that leads us regretting later on. When frightened, we need to open our hearts to Jesus and our fears and troubles will be overcome for Just as He got to the boat the wind ceased. Trust Jesus knowing that, even in our most challenging situations, the Lord will always be by our side, journeying with us and leading the way for us. Let us also give praise and glory to Him during the times we are calm and serene.

The New Year 2021 is stormed by uncertainties and fears that remain in the midst of the pandemic and the other problems currently facing the world. Let us deepen our faith in Jesus and dedicate our lives to Him with conviction, authenticity and witnesses of His love and compassion. Let us reach out selflessly and in love to all those suffering. In this way, we will be bearers of Christ’s love and compassion. Let us not only think of our own survival but we should manifest Christ’s aid by our little actions towards those suffering.

Let’s pray Lord Jesus my protector and refuge, come to my aid especially when my faith weakens. Help me to always turn to you in all circumstances. Help me always trust that you will be there to help me when overwhelmed by worldly troubles.


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