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Let Us Be Decisive In Our Pursuit for the World to Come

Romans 1514-21, Psalms 98, Luke 16:1-8

The master commended the dishonest steward for his prudence” Luke16:8a.

• The parable of the dishonest steward in Luke 16:18, is a puzzling parable. This is because, the steward is not only praised for his conduct but Jesus also presents him as a model for his disciples to imitate; “The master commended the dishonest steward for his prudenceLuke16:8a.

• The message of the parable lies in Jesus’ own conclusion that the children of this age are shrewder in seeking earthly security and comfort than are the children of light in their pursuit for a place in the kingdom of heaven; “for the sons of this world are wiser in their own generation than the sons of lightLuke16:8b.

• The children of this age, i.e, those who focus on this world, show great intelligence and foresight in economic and financial matters to ensure a secure place for them in this world, like the steward in today’s parable.

• Now Jesus appeals to the children of light, i.e., his disciples who focus on God and His Kingdom, to be as enterprising, decisive and daring as the steward in the parable in their pursuit of the world to come.

• Just as we work so hard, day and night for the earthly success, we should also work so hard to secure a place in heaven. Just as we are shrewd in worldly ways, we should apply the same intelligence to our spiritual affairs.

• Salvation cannot be attained by just sitting down or by remaining a spectator. Salvation is achieved through actions, through; service to the neighbor, kindness and love to the needy, forgiveness to the undeserving and an ardent commitment to prayer life.

• A Christian should not sit timid and downcast; he is asked to be eager and ingenious in his efforts to attain goodness. A Christian should be diligent in doing good.

• May our focus not just be the things of this world. We should not slacken in planning for a thing of much greater importance; the eternal life.


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