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3RD JUNE 2022


Peter failed and he failed big! Even though Peter had wandered into sin, he still hadn't gone so far that the Lord had stopped loving him! In our gospel passage today, we find the Lord Jesus re-commissioning Simon Peter for service. I am sure that Peter felt that his work and ministry was forever gone, but Jesus came to call him back into the fight! This was a time of unique fellowship and restoration between Jesus and Simon Peter. Jesus freed Peter from the bondage of his sin and failure and set him back about the business of serving the Lord and His church.

Are you close to the Lord today as you should be? Maybe the things of God aren't as sweet as they used to be. Maybe there isn't a hot, burning love for the Lord, His House, His Word and His People like there used to be. Maybe even your church attendance has become a thing of drudgery and toil. it does not have to remain that way! Jesus Christ is still the Friend of the fallen. Look into what the Lord did for Peter, and know that He can and will do the same for you if you will respond in the correct manner.

In the sacrament of penance, on many occasions we go to the Lord confessing our sins and failures and seeking forgiveness and restoration. Each time, we have found Him to be a faithful Friend to those who have fallen by the wayside. Return to the Father's house today.

Not only will He forgive your sins, but He will restore you to that place of service you once held with Him. He will put you back on the battle field. He longs to meet with you and to put you back into that place of service. You still have a Friend in Jesus regardless of how far you have fallen!

Today is Day Eight of Novena to the Holy Spirit. Let us pray for the Gift of Wisdom to Bend the stubborn heart and will, melt the frozen, warm the chill. Guide the steps that go astray!

May we pray for the grace of restoration through the intercession St Charles Lwanga and his companions – the 22 Ugandan Martyrs – who offered their life for the Kingdom.

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