30TH MAY 2022
In the gospel, *Jesus begins to speak more plainly to the disciples about the mission and purpose for which he was sent into the world not to condemn the world but through love to redeem it (Jon 3:16).* The disciples professed their belief in Jesus that he truly came from God and taught as one who possessed full knowledge of God. *Jesus' response showed that he fully knew and understood them very well.*
*Jesus reassures them of his peace, unfailing love, and victory over the world which is in opposition to God's reign. Jesus speaks the same reassuring words of enduring love, faithfulness, and victory to his followers today.* "I will never fail you nor forsake you." While we may forget the Lord and fail him, he will never forget us nor fail to come to our aid.
*He promises to guide us safely through any trial or hardship we may have to undergo for his sake. The Lord Jesus gives us the gift of his Holy Spirit who strengthens us with faith, courage, and perseverance to stay the course which he has set for us.* May the Holy Spirit fill us with a living hope in the power of Christ's resurrection (1 Pt 1:3) and reassure our heart with a confident trust in God's abiding presence. *MAY YOU HAVE A BLESSED NEW WEEK.*