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Fr. Everistus Abu

10th May, 2021


Acts 16:11-15

Psalm 149

John 15:26-16:4a

“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father, he will testify on my behalf.” (John 15:26)

In a few days from now, we shall be celebrating the feast of Pentecost, the anniversary of the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles gathered in the upper room.

Today, Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth whose role is that of witnessing. The Holy Spirit helps to make clear things which may not be known by our natural senses, he brings to light what was rather shrouded in mystery, he enlightens, he inspires, he is there to provide a guide; he is our 6th sense if you like. The Holy Spirit witnesses on behalf of Jesus and inspires us as we witness for Jesus.

In truth, the task of witnessing for Jesus in today’s world is one of the most difficult tasks anyone can embark upon. People will hate you simply for being a light in the midst of darkness. You get all kinds of attacks just for speaking the truth. Jesus says: “the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.” This is a prophetic statement of Jesus that has proven to be true over and over again.

This is why we need the Holy Spirit. If we must witness at all for Christ, then we must ask for the Holy Spirit to be with us, to teach us, to remind us of God’s word and above all, to speak on our behalf. Missionary work is easy when we have the Holy Spirit working with us and in us.

Converting souls for God is not a factor of our own intelligence or eloquence neither is it a factor of what we do or refuse to do. It is entirely a work of the Holy Spirit who is often described as the Principal Agent of Evangelization. As Paul and his companions travelled, they were successful not because of their eloquence or knowledge, but because the Holy Spirit touched the hearts of their listeners.

One woman who was so touched by the message of Paul and was Lydia. To quote from the scriptures directly we are told: “The Lord (the Holy Spirit) opened her heart to give heed to what was said by Paul...” And this woman insisted that Paul and his companions must stay at her house meaning her very home become a church for the Christian converts in that city. As we can see, missionary work has two sides; the painful aspect of persecution and suffering and the sweet aspect of meeting people who are ready to support the work with all their resources. While the Holy Spirit helps us in the sad moments, the Holy Spirit also helps us to connect with persons like this generous woman of faith. The summary is that we just cannot do God’s work without the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray:

Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts and enkindle in us your Sacred Fire. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you.

God bless you.

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