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Fr. Joseph Michuki

30TH APRIL 2022

ACTS 6:1-7 AND JN 6:16-21


Today in our gospel reading (John 6:15-21) we are presented with the "Fifth Sign" Jesus Walking on the Water. After an all-day speaking event and performing the miracle of feeding 5,000 men plus women and children with five barley loaves and two fish Jesus was probably tired. The disciples were probably tired too! They had been at the speaking engagement all-day and served that mega crowd. The crowd wanted to seize Jesus and make Him their king. He was and is King but not as they were looking. He removed Himself from the crowd. That was pretty amazing itself. He was able to take some time for solitude with the Father and rest.

The disciples were instructed to go to the other side of the lake (Sea of Galilee). They were to go a distance of about five miles. They were all in one boat. About halfway across the lake a storm arose and it was dark. They were alone and afraid.

Jesus does not want His followers to be alone, in the dark, or afraid. When we cannot go to Him, He will come to us. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. When we are in trouble, He will walk on top of that which we are afraid. He is above all. He is our Savior and when we need Him we can count on Him. He came to the disciples walking on the water. They were afraid but when He spoke the fear had to go! “It is I, do not be afraid.” Their fears were gone and they received Him into the boat.

When we have Jesus on board there is nothing to fear. “Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!” Jesus was not limited by the gravitational pull, darkness, space, or time. Immediately they were at their destination. When we have Jesus in our vessel, we can be assured that we will reach our destination.

The goal of the disciples was to reach their destination. They were primarily hindered by the storm which arose quickly. When they saw Jesus walking on the water coming near the boat, they were afraid. It was when they received Jesus their fear was calmed and immediately, they reached their goal.

Dear people of God, we do not have control over the wind. When we are in a storm and the wind is blowing there is One who we can call upon. He is limitless and all-powerful. He walks on the water and He draws near to those who will receive Him! Without Him they were struggling just to make a little headway, but with Him in their midst the struggle was over. When we have Jesus, our journey is no longer a struggle but a joy!

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