2 Macca 7: 1, 20‐31
Psalm 17: 1bcd, 5‐6, 8b, 15
Luke 19: 11‐28
We must distinguish the parable of our today’s gospel from the parable of the talents in the gospel of Mathew, which teaches a different lesson. That parable shows that different servants have been given different abilities, and that the danger is for the person with relatively smaller ability to do nothing. This parable shows that every servant has been given the same gift and that the difference in results is not due to differing gifts, but to differing levels of diligence in using the gift.
The fact that each of ten servants received a coin shows that it was not just the twelve apostles who were in view, but rather, God’s servants in general. Thus, the parable is not directed just to those in leadership, but to all of Christ’s subjects. The fact that each was given the same amount shows that it is not referring to differing gifts, but to something that all followers of Christ share in common, namely, the Word of God and in particular, the central message of that Word, The Gospel. We all have been given the same gospel and we are told to do business with it for our King during His absence. If you have personally believed that message, then the gospel has been entrusted to you. And it has not been entrusted to you just for you to treasure for yourself, rather for all.
The delay in the Master’s return does not mean that He will not return. His return is certain, though delayed. The group of disgruntled citizens hoped that he would not return, or at least that he would not return as king. But clearly, when He returns it will be as King, with full power and authority to reign. He calls His servants to give an account of the business they have conducted in His absence and He orders that His enemies be brought and executed in His presence. Three groups must give an account.
1. The servants who have done business for him will be rewarded according to their faithfulness.
Only three of the ten servants are mentioned, and these three falls into two categories: two who have made various amounts with the king’s money; and, one who has not done anything with it. Here we are looking at the two who traded and invested the money in such a way that they multiplied it many times over in the master’s business.
We can learn several things about the doctrine of rewards from the way the master rewards these two servants.
ü While salvation is by grace alone rewards will be proportionate to our service.
ü We also learn that the servants’ service here was a test and a preparation for their future service in the kingdom ü We also learn that the Lord notices all of the service of His servants and that all that we do for Him will be richly rewarded.
2. The servants who have not done business for him will be stripped of everything they had.
This third servant represents those in the church who know the gospel and should believe it. But they are indifferent and unconcerned about the Master’s purpose and kingdom. As a result, they are not using the opportunities He has given them to further His kingdom. They are living for themselves and making up excuses as to why they are not serving the King.
3. The rebellious will be punished with eternal separation from the king.
The king says, “But these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence” Note that the issue is Christ’s lordship. These rebels did not want Him reigning over them. Those who have truly believed in Christ have subjected themselves to His rightful lordship. Those who reject Christ’s lordship will face His fearful and final judgment. There is no category of those who are truly saved, but who opt not to make Jesus their Lord.
The world may scorn us and reject our message. But we’re doing it for Him. You’ll never lose if you faithfully do business for Jesus! When He comes, He will reward you for everything that you have done for His kingdom.
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