Faithfulness to the Promise
2 Sam 7: 1-16, Psalms 89, Luke1:67-79
• The liturgy of the Church, with today’s mass, has now set the stage for the birth of Jesus.
• The birth of Jesus has been promised through the various personalities of the Hebrew Scriptures. God is always faithful to His promise, this promise is about to be fulfilled because God is Truth and not a liar or a deceiver. He always stands by His words. Just like what Zechariah has said in today’s gospel; “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, for He has visited and brought redemption to His people.” Luke 1:68.
• Excitement is in the air and at the doorstep. Baby John is born and his father sings his praises; “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways..” Luke 1: 76. He is unique, precious, holy and, yet, he is not the expected one – he is only the messenger.
• So if the little six-month-old John is blessed, how much more sacred will be the long awaited messiah whom he will introduce! Later, John would say he was not even worthy to loosen the sandal straps of Jesus.
• Leaving these lofty thoughts lingering in our minds, the Liturgy rests its case. The next logical step will be to welcome Jesus to our world and into our lives. It’s just one tiny step away now. Thus each year, the liturgy brings us to the annual celebration of the birth of Jesus.
God visits us “who sit in darkness…to guide our feet into the way of peace” Luke 1:79.
• As we prepare to welcome the Messiah that was promised, may we learn to also fulfil the promises that we make in our lives. In our daily life, we make a lot of promises; marriage, confession, baptism, political covenants, court oaths, professional oaths, etc. yet we break them easily. May we learn to remain faithful to the promises that we make in our daily life. St. Theresa of Calcutta said; “Faithfulness is better than success.” Faithfulness is necessary virtue. Faithfulness saves.