13TH MAY 2022
Acts 13:26-33, Psms 2, John 14:1-6
• It is said that the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin so feared for his safety that his residence in Moscow contained eight bedrooms. Each night Stalin chose a bedroom at random to ensure that no one knew exactly where he was sleeping.
• Christ in today’s gospel reading presents Himself as the antidote to fear: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
• Jesus says: “I am the Way.” The Lord Jesus does not simply give advice and direction. He is personally the way and we cannot miss it. Every in our lives, He leads and guides us in person.
• Jesus also says: “I am the Truth.” Many of us can say, “I have taught you the truth.” But only Jesus can say, ‘I am the Truth.’ Moral truth cannot be conveyed in words alone; it must be conveyed in example. Jesus embodies the truth in His person.
• Jesus also says: “I am the Life.” He not only ‘shows us the path of life’ (Ps. 16:11); He gives the kind of life which only God can give; eternal life.
• Is there any fear or trouble which keeps us from the perfect peace and happiness of a life surrendered to Jesus Christ? Let us try to dwell ourselves in these words coming from an unknown author:
“When you are the neediest, He is the most sufficient. When you are completely helpless, He is the most helpful. When you feel totally dependent, He is absolutely dependable. When you are the weakest, He is the most able. When you are the most alone, He is intimately present. When you feel you are the least, He is the greatest. When you feel the most useless, He is preparing you. When it is the darkest, He is the only Light you need. When you feel the least secure, He is your Rock and Fortress. When you are the most humble, He is most gracious. When you can’t, He can.”
• Jesus came among us to show the way to the Father. His whole purpose was to bring God to us and us to God.
• The many rooms in the Father’s house indicate a place of universal hospitality. Heaven is not an elite place for a select few, but an open space for the many, just as Jesus did not come for the sake of the just, but for sinners. He is the Way to the Father for all who follow him. He promised that, when lifted up from the earth, he would draw all people to himself.
If we follow him as our way, the truth and the life, we will in the end come to live with him in the Father’s house.