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Writer's picture: Fr. George MungaiFr. George Mungai

21st May 2021


Acts 25:13b-21,

Psalms 103,

John 21:15-19

Peter had abandoned the Lord by threefold denial, that he had ever known him. Now Jesus confronts him personally with a threefold interrogation: “Do you love me more than these?” Each time there is a positive answer; “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you,” and finally Peter responds, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.”

By asking the same question three times to Peter, Jesus wants to make sure of Peter’s total love and unwavering obedience to him in his future mission of pastoring his people and leading his Church. Peter undoes his three denials by affirming his total love for the Lord.

Jesus knows Peter’s heart - that Peter loves him much; “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Peter’s love for the Lord is enough reason to be entrusted with the work of pastoring the flock of Jesus; “And Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs....Look after my sheep...feed my sheep..’” The Church was entrusted to peter as its head, not because he was faithful and strong, but because Peter sincerely loved the Lord.

In normal life, we entrust our precious properties or activities to those people who love us for we are sure they will not fail us. We should not be surprised when our Lord entrusts the Church to the person who had earlier denied him three times. This is a gesture of hope and encouragement for all who have denied God in one way or another – here is again a chance of being trusted by God. He will accept us back and make us important partners in his mission.

Jesus builds his church not on the strength of the perfect people but on; the foundation of love they have for him, the fervent love they have for him. God does not build families on the strength of perfect people, or even nations. When love of God is the foundation, the power of Jesus will be manifested in our weakness, 2 Cor 12:9-11.

Do you Love God? When God confirms that you love him, even when you have denied him many times because of your weakness, His blessings for you will be without limits. His favour upon you, despite your shortcomings, will always be abounding. Our love of God should compel us to give him the best we have and all we possess – our gifts, our time, our resources, our full allegiance, and our very lives.

We pray that the Lord may increase our love for Him, for we know that “God works for the good of those who love him,” Rom 8:28.

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