1. October is the month of the Holy Rosary. We are all encouraged to pray the Rosary in our homes, in Small Christian Communities, and as individuals.
2. Friday (20/10/2023) is a public Holiday. Mass will be at 8.00 a.m. No evening mass.
3. Next Sunday, 22nd October 2023 is Mission Sunday, we shall have 2nd collection which assists the Holy Father in the construction of new Churches, houses of formation especially in the mission land.
a. PMC will hold a special Mass dedicated to all candidates sitting for their KCPE & KPSEA National Examinations, today at 10 am at Maria Goretti Hall. Parents of the candidates are encouraged to join their children.
b. PMC will be holding a parents' seminar on Saturday, 28th October 2023, starting from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. All parents with children aged 1 to 14 years are requested to attend the seminar.
5. ORDINATION BANN: for the 1st time. We publish the intended ordination of Seminarian Antony Makau, son of Arbanus Mbithi and Lucy Nzilani, who is to receive the Sacred Order of Diaconate.
If anyone knows any reason as to why this candidate should not be ordained, make it known to the Fr in Charge or to the Archbishop as soon as possible.
6. Marriage Banns: for the third time. We announce the marriage between Kevin Kibutu and Susan Wangui. Kevin is the son to James Karomo Kariba and Esther Wangari Njarumi. Susan is the daughter to Margaret Wangeci Ndiritu and the late Titus Ndiritu Gichuki.
Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father in Charge.
7. Mass for St. Faustina SCC will be celebrated on Tuesday 17th October 2023, at 7.00 p.m.
8. Mass for Divine Mercy Group will be celebrated on Wednesday 18th October 2023, at 6.30 p.m.
9. Mass for St. Stephen SCC will be celebrated on Thursday 19th October 2023, at 7.00 p.m.
10. Mass for St. Jude SCC will be celebrated on Thursday 19th October 2023, at 7.00 p.m.
11. Mass for St. Raphael the Archangel SCC will be celebrated on Saturday 21st October 2023, at 2.00 p.m.
12. Fr. Tony Amissah will be with us next Sunday the 22nd of October 2023 in order to say goodbye as he heads to his new station.
Next Sunday’s Mass Animation
v 1st Mass: St. Monica SCC.
v 2nd Mass St. Raphael the Archangel SCC
v 3rd Mass: St. Francis of Assisi SCC.