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OLRCP ANNOUNCEMENTS.                 ​ 16th June 2024

1) We shall have a second collection next Sunday, 23/6/2024, known as St. Peter’s Pence. This is a worldwide appeal to assist the Holy Father in his works as a universal pastor.

2) Tomorrow Monday 17th June 2024 is a public Holiday. We shall one mass at 8.00 am.

3) Those who registered for the church Lectors and UshersSeminar from all the Jumuiyas and the Ecclesial groupsare hereby informed that the seminar will be held on 6th July 2024 from 9.00 am at Maria Goretti Hall. Kindly purpose to attend.

4) The Liturgy Committee will hold a physical meeting in the church on Wednesday 19th June 2024 from 5.45 pm. Liturgists from all Small Christian Communities andEcclesial groups, including the new SCCs are encouraged to attend. Important matters such as liturgical plans for the rest of the year will be discussed.

5) The monthly wellness talk earlier scheduled for today has been postponed to next Sunday 23rd June. The topic will be Marriage, and the guest speaker will be Dr. Beatrice Churu, assisted by Dr. Phyllis Muraya from Tangaza University. They will also sell their book, 'Walking the Joyful Paths of Marriage'. We apologize for any inconveniences occasioned by this postponement. 

6) There will be an online formation session for young couples on Friday, 21st June 2024, at 7:00 PM. The topicwill be 'Roadblocks to solemnizing marriage: Real & created'. These sessions are intended for couples who have been together for 15 years and below. The link for joining the meeting will be shared on the Young Couples' WhatsApp group. Couples who would like to participate in this formation session but are not members of the WhatsApp group for Young Couples are kindly requested to leave their details at the desk outside the church.


The PMC board announces the resumption of PMC formation classes every Saturday from 29/6/2024 starting at 2 PM. Parents are encouraged to bring all children aged 3 years to 13 years every Saturday for formation and fun-filled learning.

8. MYM Announcement

All Youth aged 13yrs to 18yrs (Teenagers) are requested to attend their MYM Mass every Sunday at 10 am at St. Joseph Hall downstairs.


9. YSC Announcements

All Youth aged between 19yrs and 26yrs meet at Aula Santa Maria every Sunday from 2-4 pm for Spiritual Talks. The next two Sundays, the 23rd and 30th of June, Fr. Clement will give a Special Talk. Kindly join attend.


10. Young Catholic Adults (YCA) Announcements:

a) The YCA group would like to inform all members aged 27yrs to 35yrs that:

i. Wednesday 19th June at 8 pm- there will be anonline session to discuss Mental Health Awareness

ii. Friday 28th June- The ADN has organised an evening of Adoration and worship in the Catholic faith for all YCA members. It will be held at Holy Family Basilica from 6 pm till 10 pm.

iii. Saturday 29th June- There will be a recollection at the Benedictine retreat centre in Tigoni.

iv. Sunday 30th June- We will hold our monthly meeting starting at 9:45 am (after the 1st mass). For more details about these activities, visit the tent outside the Church.

11. Marriage Banns: for the Third time. We announce the marriage between Samuel Kamau Karuga and Emma Njeri Githenya. Samuel is son to Michael Karuga and Veronica Wangari Karuga. Emma is the daughter to Duncan Githenya and Maria Wacuka.

12. Marriage Banns: for the Third time. We announce the marriage between Paul Gathii Wakairu and Doryne Muthoni Mimano. Paul is son to David Wakairu and Faith Wakairu. Doryne is the daughter to Jeff Muraguri and the late Stella Mimano.

Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father-in-Charge.

13. Mass for St. Faustina SCC will be celebrated on Tuesday18th June 2024, at 7.00 pm.

14. Mass for St. Josephine Bakhita SCC will be celebrated on Tuesday 18th June 2024, at 7.00 pm.

15. Mass for Divine Mercy Group will be celebrated on Wednesday 19th June 2024, at 6.30 pm.

16. Joint mass for St. Jude and St Mark SCCs will be celebrated on Thursday 20th June 2024, at 7.00 pm.

17. Mass for St. Stephen SCC will be celebrated on Thursday 20th June 2024, at 7.00 pm.

18. Mass for St. Bridgit Daughters of Christ group will be celebrated on Friday 21st June 2024, at 5.30 pm.

Next Sunday’s Mass Animation

● 1st Mass:      CMA Group

● 2nd Mass    ​St. Ann SCC

● 3rd Mass:     St. Claire SCC

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