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OLRCP ANNOUNCEMENTS. 25th February 2024

Every First and Second Sunday of the month, we normally offer our tithe to the Lord. Next Sunday, 3rdMarch 2024, will be the first Tithe Sunday, we will present our tithe at the Sanctuary for blessings. Tithe envelopes are available in the tithe boxes at the Church pillars and at the Church Tent. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Paybill Number is 867165.

2. Today we will have Children’s confessions downstairs immediately after the 10.00am Mass.

3. Father will meet the Liturgists, Head Lectors, and Head Ushers of all Small Christian Communities and ecclesial groups today (25th February) after the 12 noon Mass at the Assumption hall. All are requested to attend.

4. “THE WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE” (Forty days of Lenten spiritual journey), is ongoing, with daily Eucharistic adoration and guided Lenten meditation, every Monday to Friday (6 am-7 am) and Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) (6.30 am-7.30 am) followed by Holy Mass.

5. The Way of the Cross will be at 5.30pm every Friday of Lent followed by Holy Mass. This coming Friday (01/03/2024), it will be animated by the CMAGroup.

6. Priests will be available for confessions every day of the Lenten season after the morning Mass at the confessionals.

7. Friday 1st March 2024, is the 1st Friday of the month, we will have Eucharistic Adoration  and Devotion to the Sacred  Heart of Jesus starting at 6.00 am followed by Holy Mass at 7.00am and confessions after Mass.

8. 2nd March 2024 will be the first Saturday of the month. The Immaculate Heart of Mary devotional group will have prayers at the Grotto after the morning mass.

9. Infant Baptism will take place on Saturday, 23rdMarch 2024, at 10.00 am. It will be preceded by 3 Baptismal instruction classes for the Parents and godparents. Classes will begin on Saturday, 2ndMarch 2024, at 2.00 p.m. at St. Maria Goretti Hall. Registration is ongoing.

10. Divine Mercy formation class is on going on the first and third Saturdays of the month. New members are welcome.

11. The young couples will have a formation seminar today (Sunday 25th February) after the 10am Mass. All couples married for 15 years and below are welcome to attend the session at Immaculate Conception Hall in Aula Santa Maria

12. YSC Bake sale is today, after every Mass, to raise money for their Charity Drive scheduled for 2nd March 2024. Your personal Donations are most welcome.  Dry foods can be dropped at the Parish Office. Cash can be sent to Mpesa Paybill No: 400222 A/C No.33953#YSC Charity.  Kindly let us support our Youth.

13. The church is organizing a training for lectors and ushers in our parish. Those interested in this ministryare encouraged to register at the tent outside the church or the Parish office during weekdays.  All Small Christian Communities are called upon to register their members for this important training. Dates for the same will be communicated.

14. The parish would like to engage choir trainers. Those interested are requested to send their applications and other relevant documents to the Fr in Charge/Parish Priest OLR by 1st March 2024. Letter of recommendation from one's Parish Priest is mandatory.

15. Our Self-Help Group under Caritas Nairobi will be having an Education Day on 2nd March 2024 at 2pm here at the parish. It will be an event focused on learning about Caritas Nairobi’s vision of Socio-economic Empowerment. This gathering is an excellent opportunity for members to network, learn, and gain valuable insights into financial management, community building, and personal growth. Attendance is mandatory for all members. Kindly visit the information desk and pick application forms or visit our offices.

16. Marriage Banns: for the Third time. We announce marriage between Peter Absolom Mwangi and Martha Njeri. Absolom is son to the late Hiram Wainaina and the Late Prisilla Njeri. He hails from Gacoco village, Murang’a diocese. Martha is daughter to Peter Mbugua Njuguna and Hannah Wangui Mbugua. She hails from Komothai Village, Miguta Parish Githunguri.

Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father-in-Charge.

17. Mass for St. Francis of Assisi SCC will be celebrated on Wednesday 28th February 2024, at 7.00 pm.

18. Mass for St. Joseph SCC will be celebrated onWednesday 28th February 2024, at 7.00 pm.

19. Mass for St. Michael the Archangel SCC will be celebrated on Thursday 29th February 2024, at 7.00pm.

Next Sunday’s Mass Animation

● 1st Mass:       Our Lady of the Rosary Self Help Group

● 2nd Mass    ​St. Teresa of Calcultta SCC

● 3rd Mass:     Youth Serving Christ (YSC)

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