1. Every First and Second Sunday of the month we normally offer our tithe to the Lord. Next Sunday, 3rd September 2023, will be the first Tithe Sunday, we will present our tithe at the Sanctuary for blessings. Tithe envelopes are available at the tithe boxes at the Church pillars and at the Church Tent. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Paybill Number is 867165.
2. Friday 1st September 2023, is the 1st Friday of the month. We will have Eucharistic Adoration and Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotion starting at 6.00 am followed by Holy Mass at 7.00 am and confessions after Mass.
3. Infant Baptism will take place on Saturday, 16th September 2023, at 10.00 am. It’s preceded by 3 Baptismal instruction classes for the Parents and godparents. Classes are ongoing.
4. “The Management Committee of Our Lady of the Rosary Ridgeways Parish Caritas Self Help Group is pleased to announce to its members that it will hold the Third Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Group on Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 9 AM in the Maria Goretti Hall. The AGM program will start with the Eucharistic Celebration of Mass in the Church. All members are expected to attend the AGM. In line with our By-Laws, a fine of Kshs. 200 will be charged to members who are absent without apology and Kshs. 100 with apology sent to our office email: olrcshg@gmail.com”.
5. Tomorrow 28th August 2023 and Tuesday 29th August 2023 there will be repair works being carried out in the Adoration Chapel. Kindly let’s leave it for the repair works for those two days. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Today, 27th August 2023, we will have;
· Noon Mass Animation
· Youth Talent Show at 1.30 pm
· Blessed Carlo Acutis Books sale
· Talent show ticket sale
· Bake sale
You are all welcome to support them and see them showcase their Talents at Maria Goretti Hall.
7. Radio Waumini is pleased to invite you to the celebrations to mark Radio Waumini’s 20th anniversary. Radio Waumini was launched in July 2003 to evangelise through broadcast media. It is a project of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops. The celebrations will be on 2nd September 2023 at Radio Waumini grounds from 10 am. They have some merchandise that they wish to sell to us in support of the work of evangelization at their tent outside the church. Kindly support them.
8. Immaculate Heart of Mary Devotion: 2nd September 2023 will be the first Saturday of the month. The Immaculate Heart of Mary devotional group will have prayers at the Grotto after the morning mass.
9. “Marriage Encounter is pleased to announce that they will hold a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Original Weekend on September 1-3, 2023 for married couples and religious people at the St. Francis Spiritual Center, Kasarani. If interested in participating kindly visit the tent outside the Church for more details and registration.
10. Marriage Banns: for the Second time. We announce the marriage between George Odongo Chota and Teresa Agnes Achieng Nduta. George is the son to George Chota and Janet Chota. Teresa is the daughter to Philip Odongo Opondo and Sophia Ndungu Nduta.
11. Mass for St. Joseph SCC will be celebrated on Wednesday 30th August 2023, at 7.00 pm.
Next Sunday’s Mass Animation
1st Mass: Mary Help of Christians
2nd Mass Divine Mercy Group
3rd Mass: St Ann SCC