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OLRCP ANNOUNCEMENTS. 29th October 2023

Updated: Oct 28, 2023

1. Every First and Second Sunday of the month, we normally offer our tithe to the Lord. Next Sunday, 5th November 2023, will be the first Tithe Sunday, we will present our tithe at the Sanctuary for blessings. Tithe envelopes are available in the tithe boxes at the Church pillars and at the Church Tent.

Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Paybill Number is


2. Wednesday, 1st November 2023, is the Solemnity of ALL SAINTS. It’s a holy day of obligation for all Catholics. We shall have two masses; the first one at 6.30 am and the second one at 6.00 pm.

3. The commemoration of “All the Faithful Departed” day is on Thursday, 2nd November 2023. We shall have two Masses; the first one at 7.00 a.m. and the second one at 6.00 p.m. The evening Mass will be animated by the Liturgical committee group.

4. The month of November is dedicated for prayers for the souls of all our departed faithful. Christians are therefore encouraged to pray, perform works of mercy, do penance and book Mass intentions for the salvation of their souls.

Kindly pick an envelope marked “Departed Faithful” from the Church pillars, write the names of the departed faithful, put your offering and drop them in the “Departed Faithful” box at the sanctuary

(You can also use the Mpesa Paybill No. 684456).

5. Friday 3rd November 2023 is the 1st Friday of the month, we will have Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Eucharistic Adoration at 6.00 am followed by mass.

6.Immaculate Heart of Mary Devotion: 4th November 2023 will be the first Saturday of the month. The Immaculate Heart of Mary devotional group will have prayers at the Grotto after the morning mass.

7. Infant Baptism will take place on Saturday, 2nd December 2023, at 10.00 am. It will be preceded by 3 Baptismal instruction classes for the Parents and godparents. Classes will begin on 11th November 2023, at 2.00 p.m. at St. Maria Goretti Hall. Registration is ongoing.

8. Registration for a new class for catechumens is ongoing. The Fr. In charge would like to meet the parents of registered children next Sunday, 5th November 2023 after the 10:00 am Mass at St. Monica Hall.

9. Class 8 candidates who wish to join Form One at Queen of Apostles Seminary Ruaraka are kindly requested to see the Fr in Charge accompanied by their Parents/guardians on Thursday 2nd November 2023 at 8.00am. They are asked to bring along their original Baptismal cards and Mock Results (or end-of-term two results).

10. St. Mary’s School – Runda is a girls boarding school under the management of the Assumption sister of Nairobi. It is a Catholic School offering CBC and the 8-4-4 system of education. It is located along Kiambu Road. Form 1 intake is ongoing. Form 2 & 3 has a few openings. The school has openings for Daycare, Playgroup, PP1 & PP2. For more information, kindly get a flier at the tent outside the Church.


Ø If you are a parent of a child between the ages of 1 year to 14 years, our parish PMC is doing fresh registration for all the children and their parents. Kindly pick a flier with registration details as you leave the church and from the tent outside.

12. Registration for new CMA formation class begins today, at the Tent outside the Church, and in the Parish Office during the week. All men who have not yet joined C.M.A are invited to register

13. ORDINATION BANN: for the 3rd time. We publish the intended ordination of Seminarian Antony Makau, son of Arbanus Mbithi and Lucy Nzilani, who is to receive the Sacred Order of Diaconate.

If anyone knows any reason as to why this candidate should not be ordained, make it known to the Fr in Charge or to the Archbishop as soon as possible.

14. Marriage Banns: for the Second time. We announce the marriage between Wilfred Mwangi and Rosaline Wambui. Wilfred is the son to Purity Wanjiku. Rosaline is the daughter to the late Mary Njeri.

15. Marriage Banns: for the Second time. We announce the marriage between Geoffrey Gikonyo and Juliet Mberia. Geoffrey is the son to Stephen Mututi Njoroge and Mary Mukami Njoroge. Juliet is the daughter to the late Benjamin Mberia and the late Esther Wanjiku

Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father in Charge.

Next Sunday’s Mass Animation

v 1st Mass: St. Ann SCC.

v 2nd Mass Mary Help of Christians SCC

v 3rd Mass: Youth Serving Christ (YSC).

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