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8th May 2022

1. Every first and second Sunday of the month, we usually offer our tithe to the Lord. Today being the Second Sunday, You are invited to make your offering, by putting your Tithe envelope in the lockable tithe boxes fixed on the pillars, as you leave the Church. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Pay bill No. is 867165.

2. May is the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We are all encouraged to pray Rosary at our homes, Small Christian communities and as individuals.

3. Vocation Sunday Second Collection will be done today. The Collection assists in the formation of Priests and religious particularly in the Mission Lands. Christians to give out Second Collection as they offer sadaka on the same box.

4. Fr. will visit the sick and the elderly on Tuesday, 10th May 2022, starting 9.00am. Kindly register at the Parish Tent.

5. Infants Baptism will take place on Saturday, 21st May 2022, at 10.00 am. It will be preceded by a Baptismal instruction class for the parents and godparents next Saturday, 14th May 2022, at 2.00 pm, at St. Maria Goretti Hall. Registration is ongoing at the Parish tent.

6. Today 08/05/2022, the 5 Choirs of our Parish will be having an Easter Extravaganza at OLR-St. Maria Goretti Hall from 2pm-4pm. You are cordially invited to attend and experience this choral celebration of Easter. Have a blessed day ahead.

7. Boys who would like to be trained as altar servers to register at the Church tent. They should be receiving Holy Communion.

8. Mass for Blessed Irene SCC is on Tuesday, 10/05/2022, at 7.00 pm.

9. Mass for St. Monica SCC is on Wednesday, 11/05/2022, at 7.00 pm.

10. Mass for St. Augustine SCC is on Wednesday, 11/05/2022, at 6.00 pm.

11. Mass for St. Raphael SCC is on Saturday, 14/05/2022, at 4.00 pm.

12. Marriage Banns: for the First time.We announce marriage between Boniface Gitonga and Linda Gatwiri. Boniface is son to Henry Nderitu and Ruth Muthoni Nderitu. Linda is daughter to the late Ernest Kinoti and the late Rebecca Kinoti

Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father In Charge.

Next Sunday’s Mass Animation

1st Mass: St. Jude SCC

2nd Mass: CWA Group

3rd mass: St. Faustina SCC


Our Parish Sadaka Mpesa Pay bill No. is 684456


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