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2nd October 2022

1. Every first and second Sunday of the month, we usually offer our tithe to the Lord. Today being the first Sunday, You are invited to make your offering, by putting your Tithe envelope in the lockable tithe boxes fixed on the pillars, as you leave the Church. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Pay bill No. is 867165.


a. The nine-day novena for our Family Day has already started, with Daily Eucharistic Adoration and guided meditation, followed by Mass. The Novena starts at 6.00 am to 7.00 am on Weekdays, and 6.30 am on Weekends. Let us pray together for our Parish.

b. Our Family Day will be on 9th October 2022. Kindly note: We shall have 2 Masses, 7.30am and 10.00am. Our theme for offertory that day will be, “Give back to the society”. We are kindly requested to offer different kinds of items such as cereals, foodstuff, toiletry or anything else in kind. You can bring on that day or earlier. A store has been preserved for that. Please drop the items at the Parish Office.

c. We intend to publish a Family Day Magazine. Individuals and corporate groups are welcome to advertise their business in the magazine. For more details visit the Parish Office.

d. Additional parking will be available in the following areas.

  • Outside parking alongside ridgeways leisure park and behind the facility Ciata Mall

  • The long stretch behind our Church all the way to Ciata mall.

  • Security will be enhanced to ensure safety of your vehicles.

NB: Kindly ensure you lock your vehicles and wind up your windows.

3. October is the month of Rosary. We are all encouraged to pray the Rosary in our homes, in Small Christian Communities, and as individuals.

4. Mass for Blessed Irene Nyaatha Small Christian Community will be on Tuesday, 4/10/2022, at 7.00pm.

5. Mass for St. Claire Small Christian Community will be on Wednesday, 5/10/2022, at 7.00pm.

6. Mass for St. Peter the Rock Small Christian Community will be on Thursday, 6/10/2022, at 7.00pm.

7. Mass for Charismatic group will be on Thursday, 6/10/2022, at 7.00pm.

8. Mass for St. Raphael Small Christian Community will be on Saturday, 8/10/2022, at 4.00pm.

9. Marriage Banns: for the Second time. We announce marriage between Ngumba Nyika and Dorte Skjerbaek Jacobsen. Ngumba is son to David Nyika and Jedidah Nyika. Dorte is daughter to Carl Ejner Jacobson and Birgiit Skjerbaek Jacobsen.

Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father In Charge.

Next Sunday’s Mass Animation

1st Mass: Mary Help of Christians SCC

2nd Mass: Various Groups

Rehearsal are mandatory every Saturday at 4.00pm.

The Comboni Missionary Sisters (CMS) are here with us today, to present items for sale from the young Christian communities they serve here in Kenya particularly among the most neglected and the marginalized. Let us support them in their ministries. (Kindly invite Sr to tell us more about their ministry)


Our Parish Sadaka Mpesa Pay bill No. is 684456


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