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OLRCP Announcements.

20th November 2022

1. Radio Maria 2nd Second Collection, will be done today. The Collection assists in the running of the Radio Maria station in Nairobi. Choir give us a song.

2. The month of November is dedicated for prayers for the souls of all our departed faithful. Christians are therefore encouraged to pray, perform works of mercy, do penance and book Mass intentions for the salvation of their souls.

Kindly pick form/envelop marked “Departed Faithful” from the Church pillars, write the names of the departed faithful, put your offering and drop them in the “Departed Faithful” box at the sanctuary. (You can also can use the Mpesa Paybill No. 684456).

3. According to our Parish renewal programme, this month we pray for the Renewal of our vision in heaven, All Saints and All souls.

4. Formation class one (1) and formation class two (2) for CWA will begin on 8th January 2023. Kindly register at the Parish Tent or the Parish Office.

5. Registration for new CMA formation class is ongoing, kindly register at the Tent outside, or at the Parish Office during the week. All men who have not yet joined C.M.A are invited to register.

6. The Our Lady of Rosary Ridgeways parish choir will have a Recollection on Saturday, 26th November 2022 at St. Maria Goretti Hall. This is in preparation for their commissioning and renewal of vows on Sunday, 27th November 2022 during 12 noon mass.

7. Caritas will hold their Annual General Meeting (AGM) today, after the 10.00am Mass at the Assumption hall. All registered members are encouraged to attend.

8. The Ministry of Health will have a Covid 19 vaccination campaign today here at the Parish. Children from the age of 12 will be vaccinated. They will also administer the first and second dose (1st & 2nd dose), the first and second Booster. (1st and 2nd booster). Kindly visit their tent outside the Church.

9. Mass for St. Michael Small Christian Community will be on Thursday, 24/11/2022, at 7.00pm.

10. Marriage Banns: for the First time. We announce marriage between Timothy Waiyaki Gachuchu and Ruth Muthoni Mwaura. Timothy is son to Elizabeth Wanjiku Hinga and the late John Njenga Gachuchu. Ruth is daughter to David Mwaura Irari and Sarah Muthoni Mwaura.

11. Marriage Banns: for the First time. We announce marriage between Thomas Kerioh Asango and Margaret Njoki. Thomas is son to Paul Kerioh Gichana and Isabella Bosibori Kerioh. Margaret is daughter to Benard Kabuti Njuguna and Anne Kabuti Wanjiru

12. Marriage Banns: for the First time. We announce marriage between David Ndung’u and Joan Wairimu. David is son to John Njuguna and Pauline Wanjiku. Joan is daughter to the late Rosemary Wanjiru Gicheru.

Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father In Charge.

Next Sunday’s Mass Animation

1st Mass: St. Ann SCC

2nd Mass: Mary Help of Christians SCC

3rd Mass: St. Bridgit Daughters of Christ.

Rehearsal are mandatory every Saturday at 4.00pm.


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